PowerCLI goodies

by Apr 12, 2016PowerCLI, VMware

Reading Time: 2 minutes

These are powercli goodies I use on a regular base. I have collected them here to find them easily. Some I wrote myself, some are copied from other sites. If I didn’t reference the source, I don’t know anymore where I found it.

Change portgroup on a lot of vm’s

Testing with one vm

Reconfigure all vm’s with the string “vdi” in the name

Find all vm’s with more than 8 CPUs

Reload Syslog via esxcli

While executing the NetApp MetroCluster testplan, the syslog service stops logging to the presented syslog datastore. To restart the logging reload the syslog service on all impacted hosts. The following command will reload the syslog service on all hosts in the connected vCenters. Check the $global:defaultviservers to know which vCenters are connected.

Speed-up the initialization of PowerCLI

This needs to be done for each registered version of PowerCLI. This one worked for me on Windows Server 2012 R2

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe install “VimService55.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=10980b081e887e9f” /ExeConfig:c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell_ISE.exe

Change the Power Management Policy for each host in cluster


Apparently there were some errors (curly brackets missing or in the wrong place) in the previous code.

It also ran several times per host because per host there was a Get-VMHost in the ForEach iteration. So If you had three hosts it would run three times per host.

The updated and optimized code:

show connected vcenters/esxi’s

connect to previously connected vcenters/esxi’s

move vm storage vmotion

Mounting and unmounting NFS datastores

Mount NFS datastore

Remove NFS datastore

Change the default ‘ESX Admins’ AD group to your group name

ESXi servers will by default search for the group ‘ESX Admins’ in Active Directory. The following command will change this to ‘my_group_name’.

Harold Preyers

Harold Preyers

Solution Architect

VMware Certified Advanced Professional - Network Virtualization Design 2021



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