Powershell Test AlwaysOn
Powershell Test AlwaysOn
This script checks which node is the primary in the SQL AlwaysOn cluster. A test database has been added to see if that database is writable. All actions are logged to a log file.
This script is not to be run in a production environment. The purpose of this script is to see if the SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group has done a failover. It also checks if a database within this AG is writable and if not how long it has been offline.
The part to check which node is the primary has been found on a blog, which I would have given the credits if I remembered where I found it.
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<# .Synopsis Monitors an SQL AlwaysOn cluster and tries to write to a database on this AlwaysOn cluster. .Description Monitors an SQL AlwaysOn cluster and tries to write to a database on this AlwaysOn cluster. .Example # No Examples available #> # Import SQL module Import-Module sqlps # Connection parameters $ServerInstance="database_server" # if you are running SQL on a custom port it should be "database_server,port" $Database="TEST_AlwaysOn" # Logging $FileName="PrimaryLOG" $LogDir="E:\SQL_script" $LogBreaker="##########################" $global:File="" $MaxLogEntries = 1000 $LogEntries = 1 $Failed = 0 $Sleep = 900 Function Initialize { # Logging parameters $LogFileDate = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime $global:File = $LogDir + "\" + $FileName + "_" + $LogFileDate + ".log" If ($Debug) {write "The filename is: $global:File"} # Initialization (empty table) $SQLQuery=$("TRUNCATE TABLE Test_AlwaysOn.dbo.Test_Table") invoke-sqlcmd -query $SQLquery -serverinstance $ServerInstance -database $Database #Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Initialize log $LogBreaker | Out-File "$global:File" -Append " LogFile: $global:File" | Out-File "$global:File" -Append " LogDate: $Date" | Out-File "$global:File" -Append " Server: $ServerInstance" | Out-File "$global:File" -Append " Database: $Database was truncated" | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $LogBreaker | Out-File "$global:File" -Append } Initialize # MAIN # While statement is built to always run While ($true) { $Date = (get-date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") # Generate at least one entry/day to see if I'm alive If ((get-date -Format hhmmss) -eq 000000) { $AddToFile = "$Date" + " It's a new day, it's a new dawn" $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:File" -Append } $Run++ # Find AlwaysOn Primary $SQLQuery=$("SELECT AGC.name, RCS.replica_server_name, ARS.role_desc, AGL.dns_name " + "FROM sys.availability_groups_cluster AS AGC " + "INNER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states AS RCS " + "ON RCS.group_id = AGC.group_id " + "INNER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS ARS " + "ON ARS.replica_id = RCS.replica_id " + "INNER JOIN sys.availability_group_listeners AS AGL " + "ON AGL.group_id = ARS.group_id " + "WHERE ARS.role_desc = 'PRIMARY' ;") $AGResult=invoke-sqlcmd -query $SQLquery -serverinstance $ServerInstance -database $Database $PrimaryReplica = $AGResult[1] If ($PrimaryReplica -ne $PrimaryReplicaLastRun) { # Filter first run If ($PrimaryReplicaLastRun -eq $null) { $AddToFile = "$Date" + " AG is $PrimaryReplica" $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $LogEntries++ } Else { # Write to log $AddToFile = "$Date" + " AG changed from $PrimaryReplicaLastRun to $PrimaryReplica" $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $LogEntries++ } } # Write to table to see if it is available $SQLQuery=$("INSERT INTO Test_AlwaysOn.dbo.Test_Table (Test_Run,AG_Primary,Test_Time) " + "VALUES ('$Run','$PrimaryReplica','$Date'); " ) invoke-sqlcmd -query $SQLquery -serverinstance $serverinstance -database $database # Read the last insert via $Run $SQLQuery=$("SELECT Test_Run,AG_Primary,Test_Time FROM Test_AlwaysOn.dbo.Test_Table where Test_run = $Run") $SelectResult=invoke-sqlcmd -query $SQLquery -serverinstance $serverinstance -database $database If ($Debug) {write "SelectResult: "$SelectResult} $AG_Primary = $SelectResult[1] $Test_Time = $SelectResult[2].ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") # Write to log If ($Test_Time -eq $Date) { If ($Failed -gt 0) { $AddToFile = "$Date Database was not writable between $Test_TimeLastSucceed and $Date, we tried $Failed times." $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $LogEntries++ $OfflineHR = $Date.Substring(11,2) - $Test_TimeLastSucceed.Substring(11,2) If ($Debug) {write $OfflineHR} $OfflineMin = $Date.Substring(14,2) - $Test_TimeLastSucceed.Substring(14,2) If ($Debug) {write $OfflineMin} $OfflineSec = $Date.Substring(17,5) - $Test_TimeLastSucceed.Substring(17,5) If ($Debug) {write $OfflineSec} $Offline = $OfflineHR*3600 + $OfflineMin*60 + $OfflineSec If ($Debug) {write $Offline} $AddToFile = "$Date Database was not writable for $Offline seconds." $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $LogEntries++ $Failed = 0 } $Test_TimeLastSucceed = $Test_Time $Test_Time = $null } Else { $Failed++ } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Sleep # Check if the # entries have reached the maximum entries If ($LogEntries % $MaxLogEntries -eq 0) { $LogBreaker | Out-File "$global:File" -Append $AddToFile = "$Date" + " Log limits have been reached. A new log file will be started." $AddToFile | Out-File "$global:$File" -Append Initialize } # Keep the values of the variables of the last run $PrimaryReplicaLastRun = $PrimaryReplica } |