Quick tip: Setting up TrueSSO?

Quick tip: Setting up TrueSSO?

Are you setting up TrueSSO? Are you looking to use signed certificates to secure the communication between the Connection Server and the Enrollment Server?

Try to find the documentation on using signed certificates to secure that communication. I challenge you, you will not find it easily.

What and why?

You are allowing access to the Unified Access Gateway from the internet. You will want those services to have signed certificates to secure the communication, which will turn that icon in the Horizon client green. To enable end-to-end signed communication, you will need to make sure that you have certs all the way. In the end you are creating tunnels to backend services.

On top of that you want to add TrueSSO in the equation as you want a seamless sign-on experience. This means more certificates. You follow the guides (and all the blog posts that are built using this information), so you are almost there.

However, one step is exporting the ‘vdm.ec’ certificate from the Connection Server and import it on the Enrollment Server. That is exactly where the information is missing or at least hard to be found. None of them actually talk about CA signed certificates for this. You are doing this kind of effort to get all those components (Microsoft) CA signed. Don’t you think that you should use signed certificates here as well, if . I think so!

Where can I find the documentation

Here is the documentation on the VMware websites on setting up TrueSSO:

… and also some great blogs articles out there:

Search no more, you can find it here on the docs.vmware.com site, it is just in another section and a bit hard to find.

Horizon Client Installer Failed

Horizon Client Installer Failed

The Horizon Client installer generates the following errors for Multimedia Redirection:

Adding the following symlinks made the failure message go away. I’m wondering though if the packages get updated in the repositories whether this will break the Multimedia Redirection (MMR). I guess I’ll notice some day.

Update (2019/12/20): Today I updated from version 5.2 to 5.3 and ran into the same issue again. I noticed that there are symbolic links present but that they linked to the old versions. After updating the symbolic links the installer was happy again.

Through https://communities.vmware.com I found

Configuring Tesla M60 cards for NVIDIA GRID vGPU

Configuring Tesla M60 cards for NVIDIA GRID vGPU

Configuring Tesla M60 cards for NVIDIA GRID vGPU

There are a couple of steps which need to be taken to configure the Tesla M60 cards with NVIDIA GRID VGPU in a vSphere / Horizon environment. I have listed them here quick and dirty. They are an extract of the NVIDIA Virtual GPU Software User Guide.

  • On the host(s):
    • Install the vib
      • esxcli software vib install -v directory/NVIDIA-vGPUVMware_ESXi_6.0_Host_Driver_390.72-1OEM.600.0.0.2159203.vib
    • Reboot the host(s)
    • Check if the module is loaded
      • vmkload_mod -l | grep nvidia
    • Run the nvidia-smi command to verify the correct communictation with the device
    • Configuring Suspend and Resume for VMware vSphere
      • esxcli system module parameters set -m nvidia -p “NVreg_RegistryDwords=RMEnableVgpuMigration=1”
    • Reboot the host
    • Confirm that suspend and resume is configured
      • dmesg | grep NVRM
    • Check that the default graphics type is set to shared direct
    • If the graphics type were not set to shared direct, execute the following commands to stop and start the xorg and nv-hostengine services
      • /etc/init.d/xorg stop
      • nv-hostengine -t
      • nv-hostengine -d
      • /etc/init.d/xorg start
  • On the VM / Parent VM:
    • Configure the VM, beware that once the vGPU is configured that the console of the VM will not be visible/accessible through the vSphere Client. An alternate access method should already be foreseen
    • Edit the VM configuration to add a shared pci device, verify that NVIDIA GRID vGPU is selected
    • Choose the vGPU profile
      more info on the profiles can be found here under section ‘1.4.1 Virtual GPU Types’: https://docs.nvidia.com/grid/6.0/grid-vgpu-user-guide/index.html
    • Reserve all guest memory
  • On the Horizon pool
    • Configure the pool to use the NVIDIA GRID vGPU as 3D Renderer