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Usefull vi commands

Some useful commands to work with vi iinsertrreplace9ylcopy nine characters from cursor position, e.g 192.168.1 will be copiedppaste what you have copiedxdelete character:wqwrite and quit (save and close)/search_stringfind search_stringngo to next...

PowerShell goodies

Anyone knowing a bit of Linux has come across tail. For those who don't know tail, it is a tool that will monitor text files, eg log files, for changes and display the newly added content in the terminal window. This comes in handy when troubleshooting actions and...

Powershell Test AlwaysOn

Powershell Test AlwaysOn This script checks which node is the primary in the SQL AlwaysOn cluster. A test database has been added to see if that database is writable. All actions are logged to a log file. This script is not to be run in a production environment. The...

Reconfigure diagnostic partition

Reconfigure diagnostic partition with PowerCLI using Get-EsxCli The following Get-EsxCli command will unconfigure your diagnostic partition and reconfigure with smart selection. This was needed because the install partition uuid had changed due to an option in the...

PowerCLI goodies

These are powercli goodies I use on a regular base. I have collected them here to find them easily. Some I wrote myself, some are copied from other sites. If I didn't reference the source, I don't know anymore where I found it. Change portgroup on a lot of vm's...